Saturday, October 20, 2012

Do You Need Less Sleep As You Get Older?

The amount of sleep needed as we get older is a controversial subject.

Some say that you do need less sleep as you get older.
The University of Surrey conducted a study where the researchers wer surpised to find that decrease in sleep that comes with advancing years is a normal part of aging.

According to them, this is because aging brings less time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep, the "dead" phase where nothing wakes you. Despite this, the older subjects still displayed less daytime sleepiness than the younger subjects. They say that the fact that older people need less sleep is explained by the fact that they get a better quality of sleep, and the older the brain, the more effectively it cycles through the stages of sleep.

Others disagree and say that getting older can bring real sleep issues to many who slept just fine when younger.
This is due to many reasons:
- hormonal changes after menopause in women
- changes in levels of melatonin
- secreting less growth hormone as we age
- medical issues that cause pain and discomfort
- depression, anxiety and dementia
- side effects of medications

The most important thing is how you feel after a night's sleep. Do you feel rested and refreshed or tired and lethargic? If you are in the latter group, you can try some natural ways to help you sleep better,such as yoga or any other gentle exercise, acupuncture, herbs or supplements and try to spend some time in the sunlight or bright light every day.

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