Sunday, June 18, 2006

Acupuncture for Insomnia?

sleep tips

Acupuncture for Insomnia.
The Ancient Chinese believed that there is a universal life energy called "Chi"(or Qi), present in every living creature. This energy is said to circulate throughtout the body along specific pathways that are called meridians.
As long as this energy flows freely throughout the meridians, health is maintained, but once the energy is blocked, the system is disrupted and pain and illness occur.
Acupuncture works to restore the circulation of these meridians.

Chinese medicine recognises several patterns of insomnia, each with a different cause.
These include:
- difficulty falling asleep - blood deficiency
- waking at night due to heat - yin deficiency
- disturbed sleep - heart imbalance

Based on the diagnosis, the acupuncturist will treat the precise cause of the problem.

sleep tips

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