Monday, August 11, 2008

Is Your Food Keeping You Awake?

Is your food keeping you from sleeping? A few things to try if you haven't already done so:

*Except for a bedtime drink, try not to eat for at least 2 hours before going to bed.

*Try not to drink alcohol or coffee after lunch - if that's not possible then after 6.00pm. Obviously the occasional slip up is fine.

*Avoid any food that you have noticed perks you up.

*Go for carbohydrate rich meals at dinnertime but keep the meals moderate and don't have anything too spicy or that you find difficult to digest. For me that's baked beans!!

*Have a warm milky drink or a calming herbal drink such as verveine or chamomile before bed.

*If you find you are waking up to go to the loo several times at night, then try and get your fluids in the earlier part of the day.

Try these changes and see which one makes the most difference to you and you can be a bit more flexible about the rest.

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