Thursday, August 28, 2008

Does Sleep Apnea increase risk of death?

Does Sleep Apnea increase risk of death?

According to "The Busselton Health Study" it does.

Previous studies have suggested obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular associated death.
But these studies were carried out on subjects that were clinically referred and in a clinical setting

This recent study was carried out in the community, in the Australian town of Busselton using a home sleep apnea monitoring device.

They found that moderate to severe apnea is indeed associated independantly with a large increased risk of death from all causes, even in this community based study.
However mild obstructive sleep apnea did not carry the same risk.

1 comment:

nickysam said...

Participants with severe sleep apnea were three times more likely to die than those without breathing problems during sleep. People with sleep apnea syndrome have a higher risk of death than the normal population. Effective medical treatment to overcome this epidemic is available. But people who suffer from this problem usually don't realize it.

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