Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can Wearing A Ring Stop You Snoring?

Can Wearing A Ring Stop You Snoring?

I was at my local pharmacy today shopping, stocking up on vitamin C, when I saw a silver ring on sale, to stop snoring so that you can sleep better.

Being curious by nature, I had a look to see what it was and how it worked.

You have to wear it on the little finger and apparently it works on acupressure points.

From the blurb on their site:

"Stop snoring NOW with this one-off purchase simply worn on the little finger :

Silent Knight Ring is the most natural and effective solution you can use to put a stop to snoring. Currently undergoing NHS clinical trials. Silent Knight Ring is the only stop snoring ring in Europe with a FULL UK Patent (Patent Number: 2405345)
• It's worn unobtrusively on the little finger
• It's made in the UK from hallmarked solid sterling silver
• Research found that it cut out snoring completely in over 60 per cent of users, reducing it considerably in the remainder"

Now I have no idea whether this works or not, so if anyone has tried this, please do leave some feedback as to whether it does work or not.


Anonymous said...

I AM confused. I saw the ring product in boots (£29.99) and a load of products on the Internet. I've piled through the forums. the Idea that seems most logical is from this site


THIS IS THE SUMMARY OF WHAT THEY SAY (THIS IS WHAT THEY CLAIM, I havn't tried their idea yet, so i can't say whether their claims are true)

There are only three stop snoring treatments that work for most snorers - do not be misled by anyone who tells you anything to the contrary:

1. Mandibular (jaw) advancement devices l
2. CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure mask and air pump, which can only be prescribed by a doctor) and
3. Surgery, which can be painful and has a lower success rate than mandibular advancement - although it is still more likely to work than treatments listed in the treatments that don’t work section.

Snoring treatments that don’t work

We speak to large numbers of snorers. They tell us that the following treatments do not work:

* stop snoring tablets,
* aromatherapy,
* hypnosis,
* willpower training,
* wrist devices, rings,
* devices that counteract the snoring noise, and
* devices that flash a bright light when you snore.
* Sports gumshields or mouthguards - these look like mandibular advancement splints, but they will not stop you snoring as they do not provide sufficient support behind the front teeth (particularly the lower teeth) to hold the jaw forward. Furthermore, as the bulk of a sports gumshield is at the front of the mouthpiece (to absorb and spread an impact), they can feel very bulky and uncomfortable when worn for more than a couple of hours or overnight. Mandibular advancement splints and sports gum shields are not the same things.
* Tongue retention devices have been reported as being too uncomfortable.

In our opinion, the following stop snoring options do not work or are best used in conjunction with one of the three treatment options that do work:

* sprays - people tell us that stop snoring sprays either do not work, or they only work for a short period before the effects wear off (saliva washes away the spray) and they are expensive if you need to keep buying more spray.
* Nasal strips make it easier to breathe through your nose, they don’t stop you snoring. Don’t be misled by claims to the contrary.
* Anything that forces you to breathe through your nose is useless when you have a cold, or allergies that give you a blocked nose. They will make you feel like you are being strangled.
* Posture can play an important role in snoring, but is not a solution in itself.


IM GOING TO PURCHASE THEIRE SNORE 1 PRODUCT. THIS IS MY REASONING. MY SNORING SEEMS TO BE IN THE MOUTH/THROAT. IF I TRY TO CONCIOUSLY REPLICATE MY SNORE THEN STICK MY BOTTOM JAW FORWARD THEN THE SNORING GOES AWAY. So their "right" seems to be my "right" as well....Im going to give it ago....Hopefully my email will automatically inform me of further postings to this thread (as i don't have time to keep checking)

maybe somebody else will trial it as well!!!

Funkmaster bursting foam said...

The ring definitely works my partner has been wearing a ring for the last 6 months and it has stopped her snoring completely
It's called the Stop Snore Ring and at £9.99 is ridiculously cheap for a one off purchase
There are hundreds of endorsements on their website and simply wearing a ring on the little finger is much more attractive than trying to sleep with a mouthful of plastic!

Padmanaban said...

If you feel sleepy or tired during daytime, then there may be possibilities of Sleep apnea. It is the worst case and one cannot find it themselves. Consult your family members or your partner who sleep along with you regarding your problem. If you had Sleep apnea then proper care should be taken to cure the problem.

Admin said...

Nimsy, snoring is an anatomical issue, due to large tissue in the mouth, or fat, or deviated nasal septum. This is also happening in sleep apnea syndrome, which is just a more severe snoring.

We don't treat sleep apnea and severe snoring with rings, acupuncture or similar strategies. Some people claim they have discovered an antisnoring pill.

It's lot more complicated... No, I don't believe the ring works...